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Page history last edited by Stella 14 years, 9 months ago


Maxine's Chestnut Tree


in Finca Luna, part of the Food-Forest of Wishes

Thankyou for being a wonderful friend and inspiration Maxine

will always treasure every memory


10 January 2010

Parte de la Campaña Plantar Más Árboles

Maxine está en el Bosque de Deseos


Maxine died november 2009


You loved chestnuts, I loved picking lots together with you,

on the last months we lived together in Finca Luna.


There's a young tall chestnut we planted,

slightly in the 'wrong place' (neighbour's land),

but it grew tall and fast .. so we did not move it (and the neighbour is ok about it).


So much like you ... kindov in the 'wrong place',

but always so tall and strong, in every fiber, such a proud beautiful woman.


(... picture of the tree here.. .. need to go take one )






I will go sit by your tree and remember you there

please also show up

and talk to me.


love you

















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